Many retailers require customers to call or enter the store upon arrival for curbside pickup, imposing an analog last mile for a customer who specifically opted for a digital experience. Beyond creating frustration and inefficiencies, this approach fails to provide the organization with any data or create employee accountability. SYNQ bridges this digital-analog gap, ensuring a smoother experience for customers while empowering retailers with invaluable data and accountability measures.
For retailers, curbside offers all the benefits of delivery without the added cost. For customers, it provides a quick, convenient way to shop. By digitizing the last mile, you ensure efficiency and cost savings for both parties, enhancing the overall shopping experience.
SYNQ Frontline Hero is the hub application where all 19 modules (and growing) are enabled. Install Frontline Hero directly form the Microsoft Azure App Store.
Connect customers that need help with the associates that can help them as efficiently as possible, driving significant labor savings.
More productive customers spend more money. Instead of wasting time to find help, let them request help digitally while they continue shopping.
Generate data that have never been captured before, allowing you to better understand labor needs and how to proactively address common customer problems.